Obion County Board of Education
December 1, 2014

Agenda Item: VI.

Preliminary Matters/Consent Agenda

Preliminary Matters:

The Obion County Board of Education will meet in regular session December 1, 2014, at Hillcrest ElementarySchool at 7:00 p.m. Prior to the meeting, the school will provide a meal beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Items of Note:

School will be dismissed before lunch (1/2 day) December 19, 2014, through January 2, 2015, for the Christmas and New Year's Holidays. Classes will resume on Monday, January 5.

Consent Agenda (Item VI.):

Background Information:

The consent agenda consists of the monthly personnel report, report of substitute teachers, and the monthly financial reports/business activity.

In addition, as of 11/25/2014 the following item(s) has/have been removed from the technology inventory system and taken to the Obion County Recycling Center:

(00) computers
(00) tablet
(00) printers
(00) laptop

All of the above equipment was in non-working condition or of no value due to usage and age. A document describing the equipment is attached.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of all items listed on the consent agenda.